
August 2010 September 2010 October 2010
Layout: ©Little-Miss-Wendy

♥ Saturday, August 28, 2010♥

hey guys, now using itouch to post... dee(: currently now at my cousins house to have dinner... i think today it will be a short post.. lol! so byes(:


♥ Friday, August 27, 2010♥

Haiz.... Today dunno can go to my Cousin house anot........ Hope my Mum will ALLOW.... Really wanna go lor..... i wanna be with my Cousins!!!!! argh..!!! Now watching the 9pm show (unriddle) 《最火搭档》 LOL.... Bored!!! I hope my Mum will let me stay at my Cousins house!!!!


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Today my cousins from Malaysia came to Singapore!!! I am super duper happy l0r!!! They had just came to my house for dinner( steamboat ) now they are doing de mask... Lol! I thnk I should entertain them... lol.. I think I should end here! Bye(:


♥ Thursday, August 26, 2010♥

Hey Guys, Sorry !
I can't put my Tag board and The so called" Music Pod" inside my Blog....... P/s Try agn next time kays......
Srsly, must continue tmr liao..... if i have the time (:


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Today, I had Chinese Prelim examination. It;s quite okay la...... though until the last part I was so Sian.... But, I still manage to finish in time. Hope i will pass lor..... Tmr, taking back my Autograph book from Jiayi ba.... think she had finish writing lor.... Hope so... later call and ask her lor.... after that who should i pass to?
Let me think:
- Felicia
- Caddie
- Bonnie
- etc....
I think i should end here ba.... hope everyday i got the time to come in here and post something that happen that day (:


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Hey Guys, Today is my first day blogging here!!!! Tagg on my tag box if i have one thanks!!! (: